Social media is a critical new tool for customer service. Using it right is an artform. When you reply to one customer, thousands read your response. Every word is shared with the world. This course prepares you to serve customers in high-stakes channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Leslie O’Flahavan explains how to respond quickly, move from public to private channels, and write in an authentic but professional tone that blends your company’s templated responses with your own personal touch. Examine real-world tweets, Facebook posts, ratings, and reviews to see what happens when skillful customer service reps talk down angry customers and even trolls. Leslie also provides writing tips to keep your grammar and punctuation professional and in line with your company’s brand.
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- Responding quickly
- Switching channels with ease
- Moving from a public to a private channel
- Writing in a personal but professional tone
- Including emojis and GIFs
- Combining templates and free text
- Sharing knowledge
- Handling angry customers
- Responding to low ratings and reviews
- Following punctuation and grammar rules