Is It Possible To Systematically Take Gains From The Currency Markets?Can One Profit From Global Currency Fluctuations Without Stress & Anxiety?Is It Possible To Eliminate Guessing & Gambling from Trading?Can Position Trades Be Managed In Minutes Instead Of Hours?How Can We Guard Our Positions From Unexpected Market Events?
“Consistent Gains Are NOT Made By Predicting Market Directions Correctly or By Timing Tops & Bottoms Perfectly. They Are Made By Correctly Positioning In The Market To Receive Profit When It Decides To Offer It To Us.”Dear FX Trader,As a Forex trader, it is difficult to achieve a balanced life. If you are like most traders, you probably suffer market induced stress from spending countless hours on your trading station monitoring every move of the market. The up-down fluctuations of your favorite currency pair in a volatile trading environment can cause your stomach to churn.Each trading day is an emotional roller coaster ride. You are forced to guess what the market’s next move is by using an unlimited number of tools and strategies that are available to you.You begin a typical trading day by checking the latest price charts, reading and interpreting news and market sentiments and scanning for tradable patterns. Then you decide what and how much to trade. Once in a position, you must start the tedious process of monitoring your positions and decide when and where to take profits (or losses). You watch the news feeds for any unexpected global and geopolitical events.Stress is one of the biggest killers of new traders!Because market trends are driven by a finite number of external forces and variables, it is often impossible to make systematic and logical decisions on your next trade.What If There’s Another Way To Trade? What if it is possible… – To take anxiety and guesswork out of trading. – To not worry about unexpected geopolitical events. – To trade without relying on technical patterns or indicators. – To not have to spend hours in front of the computer watching your trades.
Is a “rule-based” Forex trading system feasible? Before we answer this question, We’d like you to meet Adeh Mirzakhani from Los Angeles, CA. Adeh is a seasoned Forex trader and a Forexmentor workshop speaker. Like many of you, when he first started to trade the markets 6 years ago, he was confused and overwhelmed. Adeh was discouraged with having to constantly guess the direction of various currency pairs and consistently getting the direction wrong. He was worn outfrom having to spend 10-hour days in front of his trading station – waiting for trades that might or might not happen. What was even more frustrating is that Adeh’s formal training in economics didn’t seem to help him with predicting the major market trends correctly. Adeh often wondered if there was a more systematic plan of action he could follow instead of having to guess market behavior at all times leading to major stress and anxiety. After countless hours of research, Adeh concluded that his definition of trading success was not about spending hours in front of the screen waiting for the market to present ideal trading opportunities based on traditional technical analytic methods. He found that the way to consistent profits was to be PROPERLY POSITIONED in the market and patiently wait for the next major market move. With that epiphany, Adeh set out to design and develop the concept of a mechanical rule-based Position Trading System for the Forex. Adeh wanted a system that takes advantage of the volatility of the market without stress and speculation involved. The system must…
With these criteria in mind, Adeh began his quest to design his trading system. He enlisted the help of some of the best computer programmers to develop analytic programs to refine and test his system and parameters. After years of research, testing and refinement, Adeh has finally put all the pieces together. He successfully created a bullet-proof mechanical trading system for the common trader. Adeh has condensed the system to a set of tangible rules designed to be applied easily under any market conditions. The steps and rules are easy enough to implement yet sophisticated enough to handle a variety of market conditions. After much consideration, Adeh has decided to make the system available only to a selected group of traders. Forexmentor is pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached with Adeh to allow us to make his revolutionary system and follow-up support available exclusively to Forexmentor members.
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